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Outer Rim of Star Wars

Outer Rim of Star Wars

The hazardous Outer Rim is located far from Coruscant’s tower shadows. For a great number of citizens, the edge of the galaxy is a beehive of filth and villainy best avoided. However, the Outer Rim is a chance for the galaxy’s scoundrels to live legends.

With Star WarsTM: Outer Rim, a game for one to four players that pits mercenaries against smugglers, you may discover the galaxy for yourself!

In Outer Rim, players adopt the roles of social outcasts who embark on a mission to leave their mark on the galaxy. In your ship, you will explore the Outer Rim and recruit renowned Star Wars figures to serve as members of your crew, all while vying to become ingrained in the galaxy’s legends! Have you had what it takes to leave your legacy and endure the perils of the Outer Rim?

All Through the Galaxy

Being the first player to reach fame is the aim of Outer Rim, but each villain may have a distinct route to stardom. While some will spend their time dodging encounters and patrols with the various factions patrolling the Outer Rim, others will hunt down famous Star Wars figures for bounty, and still others will make their living delivering contraband while avoiding encounters and patrols.

An Outer Rim game consists of multiple turns, each divided into three parts.

  • The planning step gives the active player the option to travel throughout the galaxy, earn credits, or repair all of their damage.
  • Action Step: The active player can take any number of acts in this phase, such as delivering cargo and bounties and purchasing cards from a public marketplace.
  • The active player resolves a single encounter in the encounter step, usually by drawing the encounter card that corresponds to their area.
  • The game is won by the player who becomes a living legend after reaching ten renown, which is the conclusion of the turn system!

The Old Republic’s Days

The Republic would not exist without her. Self-reliance is required. After the Galactic Republic and the human race’s homeworld, Coruscant, prospered, colonists moved to the Outer Rim for greater possibilities. The Core Worlds’ breakthrough hyperspace routes expanded the galaxy. Political repression, economic restraints, and legal constraints drove many outside the Core’s civilizing effect. Republic survey workers set navigational beacons like those in the Tertiary Usaita system to help travelers reach the galactic frontier.

Anaxes, on the Coreward frontier of the Outer Rim, protected the Core Worlds. The warrior culture of Mandalore on the Outer Rim provoked disputes between the Republic and its Jedi allies. The Jedi Temple was destroyed and the Darksaber was stolen during this conflict. While he and other Sith Lords were imprisoned in Moraband’s Valley of the Dark Lords, Darth Bane silently followed the Rule of Two. The Sith eventually collapsed from internal strife.

Republic Peak

Try their hardest. They will ask Corellia for help and hunt everywhere for answers. We’ve stopped them every time. They cannot save Starlight Beacon from destruction. After that, no one will challenge the Nihil’s rule over the Outer Rim. Marchion Ro during Starlight Beacon’s destruction.

The Galactic Republic remained a dominant galactic power throughout the millennium. Despite the growth of trade and interstellar commerce between the Core and Outer Rim Territories, the Outer Rim was dangerous during the High Republic Era. Private parties and the Republic raced to develop new hyperspace routes.

Both Eiram and E’ronoh were in an endless conflict that produced turmoil throughout the Outer Rim. Refugees fled over the side of the Rim that corresponded to Eiram, while food and fuel shortages plagued the area. The Jedi Order wanted to meet new people and become a resource for them when they went beyond the Rim to help the Republic flourish. The Jedi were attacked by Dalna’s Path of the Open Hand cult’s Great Leveler while investigating.

Supreme Chancellor Orlen Mollo, from the Rim, understood its difficulties and customs better than Kyong Greylark. He crossed the region to help on the ground while Greylark stayed on Coruscant with the Galactic Senate. The Battle of Jedha derailed the Jedi Order and Mollo’s peace efforts between Eiram and E’ronoh. The Eiram-E’ronoh conflict would change the dynamic between the planets.

As Mollo and Greylark before her, Supreme Chancellor Lina Soh sought to integrate the outer worlds into the Republic. She started outreach to attain her goals. Senator Izzet Noor of Serenno represented much of the Outer Rim in the Galactic Senate and asked the Jedi Order to find more. Many immigrants left the congested Core and Colonies to travel to the Outer Rim on hyperspace transport ships like the Legacy Run to earn credits and create a future.

The Galactic Frontier, including Starlight Beacon, a guiding station, became part of the Outer Rim. Even as Starlight was developed, the Outer Rim presented problems that were more deadly than thrilling. For decades, the Jedi Order and Republic Judicial Forces kept the galaxy peaceful, preventing a war.

Additionally, the Republic Defense Coalition patrolled the Rim under the High Republic. Due to the emergencies that followed the Great Hyperspace Disaster, Soh barred hyperspace pathways into the Outer Rim, affecting several worlds. She lifted the blockade after the Nihil probably lost the Battle of Kur.

Led by the Eye of the Nihil Marchion Ro, the Nihil opposed Republic expansion, believing they were genuinely free. After their perceived defeat, the Nihil began raiding the galaxy. The Republic also faced the Drengir catastrophe, in which the species spread and destroyed everything in their path. Ro called the Occlusion Zone “Nihil space.” After Starlight Beacon was destroyed and stormseeds were dispersed, Nihil controlled ten sectors of the Outer Rim. Nihil invaded the Republic around 100 BBY, ending the High Republic Era.

Takeoff Fantasy

I cannot assess this game without commenting on the numerous other Fantasy Flight games. I’ve covered X-Wing Miniatures on this site. I play Relic, Star Wars Rebellion, Elder Sign, and Deadwood with London. Fantasy Flight has earned my and many other players’ trust on these principles:

very high production. Compared to other companies games, FF games aren’t outrageously expensive, but you’ll know where your money went due to the large, opulent game boards, thick linen counters, premium miniatures and pawns, and exquisite artwork expertly reproduced with vivid colors.

Complex games are fun and well-balanced despite their many moving parts. At a minimum, a big-box Fantasy Flight game needs six decks, three types of counters, and bespoke dice with weird symbols. Punching out every component and sorting game cards is so complicated that it’s hard not to groan. However, there is interesting gameplay with several paths to success, real-world consequences, and clever theme-game mechanics integration.

Little disorganized rules. If you buy numerous Final Fantasy games, you suppose there is a great game hidden under an almost aggressively awful rulebook with essential facts out of order and missing points. Since they split the rules into two books—a “Learn to Play” book that guides you through your first game and a “Rules Reference” book that answers questions about terms and game mechanics—they have improved, especially in recent years. However, it’s normal to find midway through your first—or third—game that you’ve been playing it wrong.

Play on The Edge doesn’t end until one person achieves 10 fame. Even if everyone is working toward the same objective, your route to success will be distinct. Will you take on bold thefts and scale the outer rim with cunning and skill? Will you locate well-known Star Wars figures and bring them in for rewards, whether they are living or dead? Will you elude patrols, engage in risky situations, and transport illicit goods between planets? In Star Wars: Outer Rim, you get to make the decision!