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Rules for the Blurble Game

Rules for the Blurble Game

So the essentials have already been discussed. “Blurbler” raises a card. Determine the subject matter of the card’s artwork. Say a word with the same initial letter. There are a few restrictions: no numerals, proper nouns, and no words shorter than three letters. In addition, once a word has been used, it cannot be used again. The winner receives the card as a point and becomes (or remains) the Blurbler. You can play until someone has accumulated a predetermined amount of points, or until the Blurbler keeps testing every player around the table.


The cards should be shuffled before being piled face down in the middle of the play area.

The individual who flips the cards in the stack is designated as the “Blurber,” or one of the players.

Play Blurble Game

With a little stack of cards in hand, the Blurber stands to his left of the player:

  • To prevent himself from having the benefit of seeing the image first, the “Blurber” picks up the card that is at the top of the deck, flips it over, and places it face down on the table.
  • Then, with the rest serving as referees, the Blurber will race against this player first. The contesting players compete to be the first to say a word (a legal term) that begins with the initial letter of the object displayed.
  • The first person to blurt out the right word wins the card and, consequently, the point. 
  • The officials will determine which of the two players spoke first and whether or not the word was acceptable.
  • The card is discarded and a new one is flipped into play if there is a tie in who spoke first or if the referees are unable to reach a decision.
  • If a player blurts out the incorrect word, the game goes on until a legitimate word is blurted out, at which point they win the card.
  • The race is over when the deck of cards runs out, and the winner is determined by tallying the points.
  • The same Blurber starts the next race, and so on, proceeding clockwise, until the Blurber has faced off against every player at the table with a new stack of cards from the shuffled deck.

Each player needs to get the chance to play against each other and be a Blurber. 


After the game, cards are totaled and points are given to each player based on how many cards they have claimed. The game is won by the player with the most points.

Gaining the upper hand in the game

Until a predefined victory condition is satisfied, the game goes on. Although the rule book provides three examples of win conditions to get things started, the players are free to design their own.

  • Play until a predetermined number of cards are won (we recommend 20).
  • Play for a predetermined amount of minutes.
  • Play with fewer cards in the deck until every card has been used.

The player who satisfies the winning condition wins the game. This is typically the player with the most winning card combinations.

Variants in Games

The game comes with a variety of gameplay and rule variations. The “Lighting Round,” a somewhat faster version of the standard game, is especially noteworthy. The fact that each player participates simultaneously makes a difference. Anticipate a lot of sound.

One noteworthy variation of the game is the addition of a new rule requiring participants to name a word that begins with a single letter before the first letter in the image’s name.

For instance, the word required to win the card would use the letter “N” if it featured an image of an “ostrich.”

Every player had to be alert and focused because this was a really difficult task. Have you ever witnessed an adult repeatedly recite the alphabet in their head? It’s quite funny.

House Regulations

Similar to other word games, participants with a limited vocabulary face significant disadvantages. To help make things easier, we made a few changes to the regulations.

  • Gamers can yell out a term made up of one to one billion letters.
  • Players don’t need to utilize the entire name of the world; but, in the event of a tie, the longer and more correct name prevails. 
  • Gamers can utilize contractions, numerals, and proper nouns.
  • If the term is spelled exactly as it appears in the image, players may use it.

In essence, we removed most of the regulations and opened up the game. While it greatly lessened the game’s difficulty and enjoyment for older Child Geeks and adults, all of our Child Geeks still thought it was fantastic.

Game Experience

Blurble is quite simple to learn how to play. It’s simple and easy to use. Regretfully, it’s frequently just not very enjoyable. My main complaint is that the amount of players affects how much fun this game is.

In reality, there are only up to two players playing Blurble at once. It does travel quite fast. However, the downtime when there are six or seven players becomes a serious issue if you want a game to keep everyone entertained at a party.

Similar to other speed-based games, there’s a chance that someone will simply outperform everyone else in the game.

When we first used Blurble, we had a five-player game with a 10, 0, 1, 2, 2 final score. It was a massacre. “The fast-paced game for quick-witted people!” reads the package. But in this case, word association and sheer speed are being used, not wit.

The younger players were frequently disappointed by their lack of success, but subsequent plays performed better without the dominating player.

You might have fun at a party if you bring out Blurble. It’s not a terrible game. Being described as clever or funny just doesn’t feel real. When neither of the two players can seem to think of a word that starts with “P,” the funniest circumstances arise.


Blurble offers a significant lot of gameplay flexibility and adapts to a variety of skill levels and age groups within the same game. With up to eight players, this is a fun party game that’s easy to pick up. The number of opportunities to engage with the game’s components is increased significantly by the extra educational activities that may be done with the game cards.