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Neuroshima Hex Iron Gang Hexpuzzles

Neuroshima Hex Iron Gang Hexpuzzles

The puzzle game Neuroshima Hex Puzzle is based on an iOS strategy game, a board game, and a rather obscure Polish tabletop role-playing game. It functions and feels like a stand-alone game mode for the iOS strategic game Neuroshima Hex!, which is based on the Polish obscure tabletop role-playing game. (I suppose she will perish; I’m not sure why she swallowed a fly.)

Mexican standoffs are the subject of the post-apocalyptic strategy game Neuroshima Hex! The other players are attempting to destroy each player’s outpost. Each card comes with a deck of tiles that depict units that, once deployed on the battlefield, are usually stationary. You position your outpost. They establish their outpost. You position a few men to assault their outpost. To attack your soldiers, they send some guys there. You position men to assault their men. Until a fight breaks out and all of the attacks are stopped at once, and so forth.

Overview of Expansion:

You must own both the Iron Gang expansion army and the core Neuroshima Hex game to enjoy this Neuroshima Hex puzzle pack. You won’t need anything additional to complete the experience because Iron Gang and one of the base game armies are used in every puzzle.

In essence, the puzzle pack is a 50-card deck. Each card has the board state and current life totals printed on the front. After receiving five tiles, you are instructed to play three of them, and engage in a last combat, and if you are the one with the most lives remaining, you have completed the problem. Every card has an answer on the reverse side so you may double-check your work.

You will be using the Iron Gang to solve most of the puzzles. But there are four problems, one for each of the original game’s armies, where you take control of them. They provide a little bit of spice to the proceedings, but they are by no means the main source of expansion.

Lastly, a new tile for the Iron Gang is also present. You can use the new berserker tile in a standard Neuroshima Hex game by simply swapping it out for any other tile before the game is set up. By essentially self-destructing, the berserker can eliminate numerous opponents at once.

First-hand knowledge of the expansion

The Hexpuzzle Pack essentially reduces a Neuroshima Hex game to its last turn. If you are familiar with Neuroshima Hex, you have probably encountered a scenario where you know there will be a final battle and your task is to arrange your remaining tiles so that your headquarters will finish with the most number of health points.

This is, in my opinion, the least interesting aspect of Neuroshima Hex. As the name suggests, it eliminates any tactics and is merely a puzzle that needs to be solved. While this isn’t exactly the same as the entire game, it’s probably the closest you can come in a solitary experience.

Additionally, you must be prepared to locate the appropriate tiles and arrange them according to the puzzle card. In certain cases, the preparation takes as long as, if not longer, than the final solution. To reduce the amount of time you have to wait to really immerse yourself in the game, make sure your troops are properly arranged.

There are several solutions for some of the riddles, which makes it awkward to check the answer on the reverse of the card. If your answer doesn’t match the card, you should consider if you just arrived at a different but equally accurate answer or whether you overlooked something. From my own experience, each of those events frequently occurred. When solving a combat in Neuroshima Hex, there is a lot to consider, and it is very simple to overlook something that you become aware of only after you have verified your solution.

The deck gets harder as it goes along, and some of the last riddles are very challenging to solve. There are fifty problems, so even if there isn’t much to replay, you will be occupied for quite some time.


In conclusion, if you enjoy playing video games alone and are a big fan of Neuroshima Hex, you should definitely check out the hexpuzzles. They are a fun way to kill time and will help you become more proficient at Neuroshima Hex since it involves a lot of thinking through options in challenging circumstances.

It is far from ideal. Regretfully, it’s simple to believe you’ve fixed the problem just to find out later that you mistakenly believed you had killed a unit when in fact a module was providing armour. By the time you figure that out, you’ve frequently already seen the answer and have somewhat spoilt the riddle. The Iron Gang Hexpuzzle pack, however, is the best we can hope for when it comes to solo Neuroshima Hex, barring an app-driven version.